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About Us


The Laguna Veneto Social and Bocce Sporting Club operates at its premises at 49 Homer Street, Dianella, some 10 minutes from the centre of Perth.  The Club caters for approximately 400 members, providing facilities for Bocce competitions with a total of eight under-cover bocce alleys, making it one of the best Bocce facilities in Australia. 


The Club operates by dedicated volunteers. The Committee works tirelessly to organise social functions, competitions, the bar and maintenance of the gardens. Members enjoy playing bocce socially as well as in Federation and Interclub competitions. Social functions are organised on a regular basis, with the ever popular BBQ dance evenings hosting up to 300 people.


The Laguna also prides itself as being a family friendly club, where generations can come together to enjoy traditional celebrations of the Italian way of life. The facilities also house a kids fun room, where children of all ages can enjoy socialising together whether it be playing pool, table tennis, video games and even the odd game of Uno to just name a few.  They can also choose to play a game of bocce with kid friendly bocce balls.




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The Laguna Bowling Club, was informally founded on March 5, 1961 by Giuseppe Marchioro, Vittorino Da Re, Angelo Gava, Giovanni Gava, Guido D’Andreis, Gaetano Marchioro, Bruno Moretto and Celeste Da Re. 


Most of these men had migrated to Western Australia before the Second World War. The combination of people from different provinces of the Veneto and neighbouring regions meant that the Laguna Club came to represent the Triveneto. 


In 1962 the founders leased a small plot of land, part of a market garden owned by Angelo Gava, in Pearson St, Wembley. One of the founders explained, “Down there it was swamp, it looked like the Laguna di Venezia so they gave it the name Laguna.” There was an old garden shed on the site where meetings were held, and three bocce alleys were built. Through the Laguna Club the founders sought a small, friendly club where they and their wives and children met on Sunday afternoons to play bocce and talk. The Laguna Club grew slowing during the 1960’s. 


By 1970, Laguna had about fifty members and intake was increasing steadily. There were already too many members to hold functions in the old garden shed and activities were being held in hired halls. 


With bocce becoming a Federated Sport in 1971, the committee decided to change the name from the Laguna Bowling Club, to the “Laguna Bocce Club”, and in 1975 to the “Laguna Social and Bocce Sporting Club.” 


Due to rezoning, the Club approached local Councils for crown land on which to establish new premises. In March 1977 negotiations were carried out with the Mount Lawley Golf Course, for a portion of unused land, the Stirling of City Council agreed to the current location. 


The then President, Mr Marchioro, a builder, drew up plans for the new club and after being passed by the members, they were submitted to the Council in November 1977. On January 18, 1978 the Council accepted the plans but members had to wait twelve months before building could commence. Finally on the 24 January 1979, the members were given permission to begin building. Members agreed to donate interest free loans and/or free labour in order to cover the cost of construction. A total of $53 900 was raised from 64 families. 


On March 29, 1980, the Laguna Social and Bocce Sporting Club Inc., was formally opened. Once the new Club house had been finished, another influx of members occurred. 


The Laguna today has over 400 members, it is a multi-purpose social, sporting and cultural complex, catering for everyone. The Club today embraces  Australia’s multiculturalism and has welcomed all members of the community.


The Laguna Veneto Social and Bocce Club consists of two Committees that being the main Committee and the ladies' Sub Committee. The Annual General Meeting is held at the end of October and new committees are voted in by the members. 


The 2024/2025 Committee

Consists of:


President: Sandro Barzotto

Vice President: Andrea Boaro

Secretary: Flora Kendall

Treasurer: Italo Vigolo



Angelo Baldassar

Betty Baldassar

Liana Holland

Claudia Vecchio

Frank Nattalotto



Filomena Bornia

​Tony Cinquegrana

Franco Colombini

N D'Admo

Vince Luppino

Diana Natalotto

Maria Gesualdo

Vince Silvestro

Ida Tonus

William Passarelli

Leni Passarelli

Tina D'Aurizio

Dominic Manzi

Kath Britza

Filomena Rozzi

M Schepis

F De Lucca

M Ando

Debbie Caputo

D Munzi







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